Song Cases are the main reward in Country Star. There are 2 ways of getting them:
• Through some levels of the Tour Pass.
• From the case slots in the home screen by gathering Case Coins from playing songs.
The cases contain 3 types of drops and take 3 hours to open:
• Small or large random card drop
• Small or large card drop with two different card types. Take your pick between the two!
• Lucky drop! Claim one random song.
The Genre and Difficulty Cards collected are added to individual bars that, once filled, award you a Record Box with a song of that genre or difficulty!
Access your card balances through the Boxes button at the bottom of the song collection.
The number of cards necessary to unlock a genre or difficulty box gets higher the more you unlock.
The cooldown on the cases can be skipped with gems, however, this is completely optional. Remember to claim your free daily gems in the shop!
If all your slots are filled, you need to unlock a case in order to play more songs and earn more Case Coins. You may also take advantage of an Unlimited Play offer to play while the slots are full.
Wishlist Cards & Boxes
You will receive Wishlist cards from song cases every now and then.
To claim a Wishlist box you have to first gather enough cards and like 6 locked songs in your song collection. Opening the box awards you one of them at random.
When you have less than 6 songs available to unlock, the box requirements will adapt to the number of songs you have left.
Please note you will not be able to claim the box unlock unless you have the required amount of songs liked.
Small Song Case
Find these cases sprinkled throughout the Tour Pass or collect them in your home screen slots! It awards a choice between two sets of 2-4 cards each.
Large Song Case
Find these cases sprinkled throughout the Tour Pass or collect them in your home screen slots! It awards a choice between two sets of 6-8 cards each.
What if I have unlocked everything?
If you have unlocked all the songs in the collection, you will get an "all songs unlocked" message when trying to open a case/box.
You'll be able to claim them once we add new songs to the game.
Why am I not receiving Case Coins?
You will stop receiving Case Coins when you have received all the songs you have unlocked access to. An easy way to confirm this is if you no longer have an "available in boxes" section in your collection.
To unlock access to more songs, collect enough stars to get to the next Rank in the Journey!